Working with Townsend is a life changing experience.

Instead of waking up to a world of challenges, hard work, and problems; I wake up to a world filled with infinite possibilities and fun. In areas of my life where I was holding back, in doubt about what I wanted or should do next; I am now unstoppable and free from fear and doubt.

This work is the ultimate gift anyone can give themselves.

~ Wouter D

Working with Townsend has tied together every “personal development” book, podcast, youtube video, course, and silent meditation retreat that I’ve consumed or experienced in the past 5+ years. I’ve been able to connect dots in every area of my life that have made everything more effortless and enjoyable. Everything is easier, every relationship is better, and my ability to create my life rather than report on it has been unlocked.

Ultimately there are no words, there is only the experience – I recognize it would be difficult to have a conversation even with my slightly younger self to tell him just how transformational it would be to work with Townsend. This journey is absolutely not for everybody, but if you have even an inkling that it might be for you… remember this is your life; it’s not a dress rehearsal.

~ Trevor H.

Before this work, I was looking for peace of mind and a way to make sense of everything. I wanted to learn how to handle work stress, how to handle customers, how to reach my full potential, how to understand my purpose, and how to change my life to make myself better.

This work showed me anything is possible. It taught me how to look at myself self and change my being!

I now have the tools to navigate my life and be my true self. I see I don’t need to have negativity in my life to get shit done. I don’t need to control everything, I am everything!

This experience has transformed every aspect of my life, work family, friends , and health…. literally everything. Life is better everywhere.

Every aspect of my life has benefitted from my transformation. At home there is less frustrations and anger from not trying to control everything. At work, I have gained a better perspective of who I am at work and the confidence to get to where I want to go. With friends, I have more compassion and understanding of who they are and appreciate our relationship. With my health, I feel better about my life, I now have the tools to succeed which brings me peace.

~ Sean H

I was looking to create balance and a greater degree of intentionality in my life, optimizing how I spend my time and energy to be the best version of myself.

I learned how sneaky some of my personal blocks are. I have been tremendously successful in a variety of areas but was continuously surprised by the internal resistance when it came to consistently showing up and doing the work. While I have done a great deal of work on myself over the years, it became clear to me that I had only just scratched the surface, and the depth and breadth of this work will be never ending if I’m willing to continue peeling that onion.

I am finding new ways to hold myself accountable and to not avoid the recognition of places where I have not held myself accountable. Rather than letting myself off the hook or making excuses, I am finding new ways to recognize where I am not honoring my being without involving negative self talk or shaming.

~ Nick R

My journey with Townsend (both his coaching and teachings he’s guided me towards) has led me to several deep realizations and changes that will not only form the foundation of how I live the rest of my life, but will impact my family as I help my sons create themselves as limitless, loving, and deserving.

Over the last few months I’ve come to see how commitment and creation should be showing up in my life. How integrity and my word were loose concepts I thought I got, but not really foundationally consistent in how I lived. How love was an offering only for those closest to me. How expectations can ruin so many great moments, when agreements could have enhanced them. How often I created my limitations instead of creating the world I wanted (personally and professionally). How often the unuseful thoughts of the personal mind were robbing me of joy. And the tools to bring all of that into minute by minute awareness into my life.

What has come from that is a man who lives with a higher standard for himself and sees where he is not, and where he can create himself to be much much more. My self imposed ceilings I had always placed on myself without knowing it, are melting away. Opportunity is more visible and tangible than it has ever been. Life is there to be created fully, not just reacted to.

Also I’ve become a better husband and I can see the next level Father I was trying to be and now am. I’m doing daily work (in moments big and small) with my sons to notice, understand, and embody the same principles I am learning. They’ve got a better Dad, and they already had a pretty good one.

In some deeper areas of pain in my life I’ve gotten clarity on how I held relationships and where my resistances were coming from. Those have been eye opening, healing and have given me peace where I didn’t have it before.

And I’ve embraced forgiveness for my judgments, for myself and for others. Perhaps the greatest gift of all.

If you find yourself feeling resistance in your life, whether it be with your family, your profession, or your own direction/integrity, you owe it to yourself and those around you to have a conversation with Townsend and see where you can have more. And if you are even ready to create it. Sometimes we are not ready.

Being great in all of these parts of your life is not a place to arrive to, but a place to come from. From the commitment comes the creation.

~ Jeff W

When Townsend and I first connected, even though I’m viewed as somebody that is successful, specially if you count my upbringing, I was just thinking “Is this it?” Did I peak (in high school)?’It was a feeling of overall discontentment and feeling a bit lost and not enjoying much if anything about my life. I found life dull overall. I also used to recall my ‘years of struggle’ with fondness and after working with Townsend I realized that my ‘years of struggle’ were actually my most intense years of creation.

The main insight for me was how life is exactly what we create it top be and creation is done via our commitments. We explored how that works and how you can slip out and in of commitments all the time and how to be conscious of it, so ever since I’m working continuously to not be out of commitment with what I’m pursuing.

After this work, I can truly say I am way more conscious of my thoughts, emotions and commitments, as well as my creation, what I have created so far and what the possibilities are. I have also been through a very debilitating physical condition which used to disable me for one or two weeks every other month. The main reason for the condition is accumulated stress, constant carrying of tension and being unaware of your bodily responses to external stressors.

This work allowed me to better understand my thought / emotion response by stressors and it helped me manage my bodily, unconscious response and bring it to the conscious level. I have also committed to work on it every day and have been over a month with no symptoms at all and I intend to keep it that way. I have also learned how I am my word and that I should always honor my word, and how to clean my mess when I’m not.

Some very interesting things happened during our work together that are hard to explain. For example I received a job offer during the period we worked together, the offer was very good and promising but it all generated a lot of questions and self doubt and one day when I was thinking “I wonder what Townsend would advise in this situation’ not even 1 minute after I got a text from him saying something along the lines ‘Hey how are you, just checking on you’ we talked and he was fundamental in helping me figure out how to decide, which I did and don’t regret my choice one bit. With that being considered I’d still say the most valuable aspect of our work together was to make me more aware of my thoughts, emotions and was I am creating for my life, as well as what the possibilities are – spoiler alert – infinite!

~ Bruno R

This work showed me I have much more power and influence over myself and my situation than I ever realized. The concept of creating myself is beautifully simple, and absolutely meaningful for myself and those around me.

I can embrace things about myself that have been effective, but not energizing. And I get to pick what I want to improve. For example I can make progress on the tasks that need to get done around my home but without letting these things drain me. I also have a sense of superiority – that I have to be correct, though I have tried to hide this behind a desire to be polite and ‘nice’. Being correct is good and powerful, but I can also assume I’m correct when I’m not. Furthermore my believing I’m right is useless on it’s own.

The transformation I am most proud and happy with is my relationship with my wife. My wife has told me she has seen the change in my outlook, my energy, and how I choose to interact with her and the world. She appreciates this change and is glad I was able to participate in this experience.

I have personally noticed a change in my work life. My interactions with customers are more meaningful for myself, my organization, and my customers. Within my organization, I have been able to work more effectively with my peers and with my subordinates.

I am more energized and eager to get a start and make continuing progress on what I want in my own life.

My biggest take-away from our time together is the ability to have a meaningful ‘conversation’ with myself. There is so much talk of ‘positive thinking’ or ‘self improvement’, but to me the concept of really understanding where thoughts come from and making the subtle changes where the work needs to happen is a game changer.

Changing your life sounds hard. Turns out it’s not and the game is more fun when you can play by your own rules.

~ Andrew C

I wouldn’t say that there was anything missing when we first connected. I have always felt like I was behind. I felt like I didn’t make enough money and that I wasn’t processing in my career as quickly as I thought I should be in my head. There were also things that I had spoken to Townsend and my sister Luisa about that had really peaked my interest on way I could take control of creating my life.

I learned that I have the power to create life everyday however I want to. With my words, my actions and thinking. Life is meant to be created not just lived. I learned that my circumstances on the outside don’t affect whats going on inside me unless I let them, and that what people say and do has nothing to do with me but rather a reflection of what might be going on in them. I also learned to listen to and see what I am creating everyday and if I don’t like it, I am the only one that can change it.

I experienced a personal transformation. I am happier everyday because I choose to and the days that I don’t wake up happy, I say my declaration to myself and remind myself that I create my reality. I have also learned to enjoy my journey because I will get where I want to go when I am supposed, but the ride will be a lot more enjoyable if I enjoy the journey instead of wondering everyday why I am not there yet.

My outlook on everything has shifted. And one of the most valuable outcome was my declaration. Its a reminder everyday of how blessed I am and how I want to create myself and others. I know that the personal change will change and accelerate my career as well. It has already started.

~ Jorge MI was looking to be able to be happy, free and to enjoy life.

I learned creating new habits require constant work to break and replace old habits. You can’t stop working on yourself and expect old habits to go away.

As a result of this work, I have become mindful of how I interact with people around me and how I interact with myself. As a result I have notice a shift in how people interact with me.

I truly see I don’t need to be in control of my future to be happy, to enjoy myself, and to be free. All I need is to be present.

~ Vladimir L

I joined this experience because I wanted help growing my startup company. I was struggling with having meaningful conversations with new clients. This led to feelings of fear. I was worried I would lose everything (all the things) and be bankrupt. Then my family would hate me and leave me too.

This work created a perspective shift that took away the fear of failing and letting my family down.

My relationship with money changed too. Instead of saying, “How do I make more money and keep it?” I say, “I make as much money as I want, whenever I want, effortlessly.” And it has started to happen. It’s crazy. More and more opportunities are coming into my business almost unsolicited! I have no fears around money.

One of the biggest shifts for me is thanking my unuseful (negative), thoughts. With this work I realized that those thoughts made me the man I am today. I now celebrate the fact that my high school English teacher called me stupid in front of the class. Without that experience I’m not sure I would have tried so hard to not look “stupid”. Turns out, I am brilliant and always have been. That has relived years of pressure of trying to not look stupid.

All of this work has helped me see that I can create ANYTHING! My relationships with my family and business partner are the strongest they have ever been. I am growing a business that will impact so many lives and make me rich in the process. I am already seeing fruit from these last 12 weeks.

~ Keith D

When I reached out to Townsend, I was interested in finding for more purpose in my life. I am an extremely successful real estate investor and an avid world traveler.

And I wanted more.

Townsend helped me learn that I am the creator of my experiences, and I am the one who chooses the effects of my experiences. I am taking this new truth and applying to every aspect of my life.

In just one month I have seen the benefits of this new truth in a richer relationship with my wife, higher value business negotiations, and an overall increase joy in my life.

I look forward to practicing and mastering this new truth. I am sure doing so will produce infinite no limit returns in my life and the lives of those around me.

~ Steve B

I do so much work that’s creative, but even though I’ve been doing it for 25 years, it can be hard to get out of my head and stop comparing it to what others do. Townsend taught me a structured process to get at the root of unhelpful self-judgments and replace them with thoughts that serve me. More than that, he helped me see that I don’t just create words and music—I create everything in my life, which means I can apply the same processes to anything I’d like to change.

~ Aaron D

I came to Townsend a bit atypically. I was/am a high performing leader helping to scale a company, but I was also begging for a monumental change.

My life was consistently in the acute phase of emotional/spiritual/mental suffering. Despite a year of work dealing with trauma and mental health issues, I had only learned the tools to identify problems, and lacked the understanding how to move forward again out of a frozen state.

Over the course of my work with Townsend, my eyes would get a little more clear each time we met, and I started to understand the elements that kept me in neutral, and more importantly, how to begin to move past them. I realized that it was my birthright to live a full life.

One of of my biggest breakthroughs was realizing that changing the things I did and trying to change my habits would only be a temporary band aid. I’d invariably end up in the same place a month later with a broken habit to show for it. I needed to concentrate my efforts on how I created myself with thoughts and words.

My work with Townsend altered the course of my life. To quote one of my favorite books – “I don’t know where I’m going, but I know exactly how to get there.” The greatest gift he gave me (or better said, helped me to see) was the ability to create deeper relationships, speak openly with people I love, and have a vision for my own future.

I am a better leader, son, husband and friend. And that’s just the beginning. “

~ Alex G

I was looking for a different perspective and more opportunity for my life. I have always been able to work hard to get the things I wanted in my life but was never truly satisfied or fully enjoyed what I was doing on a daily basis. During my first conversation with Townsend I knew almost immediately there was a different way to view life and goals and shift the way you create how you see things to get everything you can imagine without working yourself to death.

Our work together helped me see when I wasn’t being the person that lives the life I want to live and create a process for cleaning up those discrepancies.

Since our work together I have created more in six months than in the last 6 years of my life. It has transformed the way I see, speak, hear, and interact with the world. I tell people all the time if I wasn’t living this, I wouldn’t believe it.

I attribute being able to Build my own business and scale it to our work together. 10xing my income in just a few months. Having a network of like minded men that can create even more together and not only being able to see all the doors in my mind that have even more potential but knowing that I now have the process to create the unique key that will unlock it and present more opportunity in my life.

~ Justin M

I was looking for something and nothing all at the same time. I wanted more accountability and guidance, but was also hesitant because I had done some group coaching programs in the past and didn’t get great results. So I came in without super high expectations as I didn’t really know what I was getting into.

Overall though was looking for/hoping for inspiration, but I got a transformation instead.

I was looking for accountability, but got a true support system instead.

I was looking for coaching, but I got strategies and tactics that changed the way I thought, behaved and thought about the world and myself.

There are so many areas of life where this work helped me learn about and see circumstance differently. The way I thought about myself, the way I thought about the world. What bad mental habits were in place that had been there for long I didn’t even realize they were there.

I think the biggest shift for me was around the language that I used about and to myself and how it was not supporting my true goals. Saying I wanted one thing, but then my language and habits in no way truly aligning with those goals.

In terms of where I have experienced transformation in my life is in how I identify my self. The way I speak to myself. How I set my goals and vision for myself. My results in my business ventures have improved. My relationships with my wife and daughters have improved. I feel like I have so much more clarity in so many areas. Playing the game of ‘how would this version of KD’ act. Playing bigger games and not settling or shying away from what could truly be. Integrity as well. Townsend did not pull punches when you needed to hear something he said it, and he helped reframe my ideas around integrity. Why would the universe honor my asks if I don’t honor my word?

It sounds corny, but opportunities have just been showing up at a rapid pace. My decision making on where to focus I am now able to do around my identity, ‘how would someone who believed this act’ which steers my choices in so many ways. Coming from a place of ‘being’ vs ‘doing’ and removing the phrase ‘I’m trying’ when receiving compliments.

I truly believe that because of this work I will break my income goals next year, my lifestyle goals next year, all while having more enjoyable and passionate relationships with myself, wife, and daughters.

I am. I am. I am. I am the greatest at what I do and will never settle again. There is no worst case scenario.

Thank you for all you have done.

~ Kevin D

When I connected with Townsend, I wasn’t necessarily looking for anything directly. I was curious about having the opportunity to be part of a group of like-minded individuals who could support my commitment to learning, self-improvement, and getting a little better every day.

I’ve also been investing heavily in myself lately. You could say I was in the mindset of self-improvement and reading every book I could. I’m someone who is always looking for that edge… always looking for ways to improve and push the limits of what I believe is possible. Ultimately, I’m looking to become the best version of myself.

The work we did together helped me learn about myself. It allowed me to uncover opportunities for growth I hadn’t seen previously.

Prior to this work, I was producing results but almost always in a state of beating myself up. The voice in my head insisted I wasn’t getting there fast enough or tried to convince me I could have done more to satisfy a client or I wasn’t there enough for my family.

Since working with Townsend, I have learned to identify and eliminate the negative thoughts and beliefs that drain my energy. More importantly, I have learned how to transform them into thoughts that energize me and how to create myself as the exact person I want to be right now.

This has been a game-changer.

The last three months alone, have been incredible. I have experienced a massive increase in my ability to accomplish the business objectives I am going after. The potential I have in front of me now is almost difficult to get my head fully around.

For example, my business is profitable and thriving, I’m fielding a potential multimillion-dollar acquisition, and I’m continuing to uncover new opportunities that make this potential acquisition look like a bad idea.

It’s an astronomically different world that I’m living in now.

I have to say though that the most valuable part of the work is that for the first time in my life, I have the ability to live in and focus on the present and have a framework to get myself out of ruts with incredible speed.

I’ve unlocked my entire and unlimited potential to create my life however I choose. There are literally no limitations. If I want to make it happen, it’s going to happen. This has been a complete and total game-changer for me.

~ Ryan R

I was looking for a performance coach, an accountability partner. Instead, I was introduced to a community of men who went on a journey to understand the narrative that we have created for our lives, l, and learn how to rewrite our narrative, and Live out the rewritten narrative.

All of this was facilitated by a leader and a coach that welcomed difficult questions and open dialogue so we could learn from one another.

Our work helped me to take a hard look at the unuseful judgments I had of myself. The experience made me feel like a hoarder of thoughts/judgement that were bringing me down. I have often heard the advice, “speak to yourself the way you would talk to a best friend.” I learned quickly that I would have zero friends if I spoke to them the way I spoke to myself.

During our work together, I have experienced transformation of my relationship with thoughts; my relationship with my wife, my family, and friends; how I wake up each day and create myself each morning; how I approach clients and prospects, and how I approach leading a group

As a result of this work I moved to a new firm which I could not be more pleased with; I started an instagram community of individuals that create themselves every day; I recorded a video that I listen to each day that allows me to create myself every morning and throughout the day.

The most valuable aspect of our work together has been having a repeatable process that has not ended since our last meeting.

This wasn’t a motivational speech, it unlocked of a permanent mindset shift. Most coaching is like a massage. This was more like brain surgery!

~ Andrew M

When we first connected, I was looking for an opportunity to “level-up”. Having done some personal work in the past, I was very aware of the positive impact. Life was great, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to jump into something like this again, even though I often thought I had it all figured out (which played into a common theme of me viewing myself as better than everyone).

The work I did with Townsend uncovered that common theme (among several others), and I would have never uncovered that on my own. I also didn’t realize how many areas of my life that judgement had a negative impact.

Since working with Townsend, I have a process I can trigger at any moment that brings me something other than happiness and joy, and as a result, my quality of life is consistently higher. I’m starting to notice that each one of these moments is gradually transforming my being.

The most valuable aspect of the work we did was correcting my viewpoint that at some point I’d be “done” with working on myself. I’ve now accepted that I’m playing an infinite game, and that the work is never done.

~Josh E

I was very aware of the fact that I had identified some issues in my life, but hadn’t worked towards solving any of them, when Townsend and I first connected. I felt stuck in a rut- aware of these personal problems, issues, desires, but I had not found a way to work towards or over those things. When Townsend called offering this class, I knew it was my opportunity to commit myself to do something about it.

Our work together helped me understand the power of my mind. It helped me realize that I create my experience- consciously or unconsciously. Feelings about myself or others, happenings in my life, my emotions, all of it, I was creating without consciously doing so. The insight was then, that I could control all of the above with conscious, calculated creation.

I have almost completely shed fear of flying by creating myself as someone who has no fear on airplanes. Someone who is confident enough to hop on a plane anywhere and feel no fear or anxiety. I also have remade some personal figures in my life in a way that has helped me feel more positively towards them, bettering our interactions and helping me understand or empathize with them. I have also experiences transformation in how I feel about myself. I am more forgiving and kind to myself, creating a better me everyday.

The outcomes and results that I attribute to those transformations are a better me, simply put. More calm, rational, less affected by emotional shifts. Able to better control my thoughts about myself or other people, and to catch myself falling into a pit of self disparagement. The most valuable aspect of our work together was absolutely becoming aware that what you create unconsciously shapes so much of your life, and to bring consciousness to that creation can change everything.

~ Brian R

When I first connected with Townsend, I was living life in a malaise. There were no real problems, no big complaints, but very limited genuine feelings of joy. Overall, I was anxious about the future and bored with the present.

Through Townsend’s guidance and the exercises, I started to see things, by things and mean my thoughts.

Not only did I start to be conscious of my thoughts, I began to understand that my thoughts/ judgements created my experiences.

And then I learnt and continuously practice tools to dissolve my un-useful thoughts.

Like a muscle, I’m working every day at recognizing my un-useful thoughts, replacing them and re-creating myself.

Knowing that I’m exactly where I should be in my life is comforting and that my mind/beliefs will manifest my future is an exciting concept.

It’s a journey and I’m happy to have Townsend in my life to help me steer.

~ Marc B

Initially, I approached Townsend looking to build out a sales pipeline and create a repeatable sales training process. I thought that this was the main thing that was missing from my life. It felt like if I were able to solve this one thing then everything else would be okay.

The biggest eye-opening experience was realizing that there was so much more to the opportunity in front of me and the sales pipeline and repeatable training processes are actually a byproduct of improving my being, improving my relationship with myself. I’ve been focusing on self-improvement for over 20 years and while this concept was not new to me the process and experience of what Townsend has built helped me see things in a different way. It’s hard to explain.

As a result of working together with Townsend I became more aware of my intolerance and impatience, something that I used to believe was a shortcoming of others, when in reality it was a reflection of something that I had the opportunity to improve with myself.

By working together through the process with Townsend and doing the hard work along the way I was able to transform and improve my relationship with myself, my family, my team, my clients, and the world. I am patience. I am tolerance. And while those last two lines seem like incomplete statements, if you decide to take part in the program you will realize they are in fact – complete.

~ Dmitriy P

The Creating Your Extraordinary Life Experience was life changing.

I realize now that even during those times of being in an amazing mental state, I STILL have unuseful judgements about myself.

The negative thoughts I have about myself have decreased substantially. And when they come up, I simply smile, and move into a better state! Now I can quickly recognize how I’m feeling and move smoothly through those emotions into a more peaceful state of mind!

~ Jourdan D

When I first connected with Townsend, I was doing great in some aspects of my life and doing ok in others. I was starting to excel personally and professionally. At the same time, I feel I was starting to lose track of efforts and relationships that needed the same attention. There was a definitely a lack of full fulfillment.

The work together opened my eyes to the where I needed to focus outside of my professional life. I needed to work on being more present and less negative in aspects of my life and really being in the right headspace/thought process overall. I learned that I was not aware of my negative thinking and lack of efforts in relationships and spiritual connection.

Our work together reinforced a sense of confidence and control that I had so much of when I was younger. I feel re-engaged and re-empowered to be the best version of myself possible.

Overall, it has re-instilled confidence that I can do anything and that I have the power to create my life as extraordinary.

What has been most valuable is the sense of grounding from our work together. It has switched my mindset to address where I am slacking and focus on doing the work in all aspects of my life. When you put in the work extraordinary things happen and I am a testament of that.

~ David D

Gratitude and service have been pillars of Who I Am. However, the person I was being was not committed to those principles. I was a person who’s self awareness was judged on my past and my behavior was a reaction to what was happening. Working with Townsend, I found out how to create who I want be and, most importantly, be that person.

It was not a “switch” that I experienced with our work together, I became who I am now because I created who I am. It takes time, effort, self evaluation, lots self empathy, new perspectives, it has became a beautiful journey that I love and am excited to continue.

Who I was yesterday is part of me but Who I am going to be today is how I create myself to be. I am proud to know how I will behave, I am excited to learn from my mistakes, I am blessed to be committed to be a growing creator! Thank you Townsend for showing me this trail!

~ Sam H

I initially reached out to Townsend looking for more depth and direction in life and what I was “chasing.”

The experience helped me learn more about me and identify the things I want more of. I learned tools to help get back on track and pick myself up when things didn’t work. We all have times where things didn’t work and we beat ourselves up.

It taught me to start somewhere, define what you really want in your own context, with definition. I am looking at the things I want and have with a clearer picture. Not letting things outside of my control bother me. Being honest about what I want and need!

In terms of impact, my relationship with my wonderful wife is even better than before. I also sought out and created a new job with a company that respects me, the work I produce, and my personal time.

~ Garrett FI was looking for increased confidence in “Creation” and my ability to do it. I was in a high stress sales employment position, essentially a commercial real estate development deal creation role, so the big leagues in my mind. I was also struggling with a few hard life decisions. I needed a swift kick in the ass, several personal growth goals were on the cusp of either epic achievement or slipping away pathetically.

One of the most powerful insights I had was 1/5/10-year goals that previously seemed unobtainable (or even ridiculous) are 100% achievable and often in less time than originally expected. Creation starts in my head and then it appears in the real world through direct action, not luck. I create, I do, I achieve, I win!!!

First and foremost, this experience has transformed my relationship with my family. I see how I can choose my BEing and choose how I feel about others actions or words. I don’t let others choose that for me by their actions, aka I fight with my wife and kids less.

Second, this experience has changed my relationship with my work. I committed to BEing what I am worth. I quit a job and rocketed into a significantly more challenging but also better paying leadership position.

Finally, this experience has transformed my relationship with money. I no longer see money as something to chase. In fact… money chases ME now.

As a result of applying what I learned, I moved from Chicago to Denver to buy my childhood home. I had the confidence to leave a comfortable 10 year job, and now I kill it at a new bad ass CO local job doing deals 10x bigger. The most valuable aspect of our work together is I know I have the tools to maintain my Extraordinary Life, I created it and I live it every day.

~ Sean F

When Townsend reached out to me, I was on the front side of what seemed to be a significant life transition. I felt far from at-ease with what I was doing professionally, how I was showing up personally, and where I was headed. I’d achieved a lot of success, and I guess you could say I was wondering what comes next. Or feeling empty with what hadn’t come yet. I wanted to be more present in my work and life. I wanted to be a better father. I wanted to be a great husband.

Our work brought me an understanding of who I was being in the world that created the anxiety, stress, and unease that surrounded so much of what I’d built in the world. Through real-world practice and experiencing over the duration of the program, I became more aware of who I was being in each moment and how this impacted the lenses and experiences I was having in real time–and was given space to reimagine who I could be.

The 12 weeks turned out to be my own inner heroes journey adventure. I delved into my headtrash, unhelpful thoughts, and endless negative self judgements. I questioned who could be creating this madness and then was given an opportunity to recreate myself from a place of forgiveness, self love, and creative expression.

Since graduating the experience, I have found myself a more steady human being, I’ve adopted new habits that are beginning to add tremendous value to my daily life, and now have a framework that I can continue to practice and improve upon. I find more moments to give myself grace and reimagine situations in ways previously hidden, finding better solutions to problems that seemed to be hiding in plain sight. I’m showing up as a better father, husband, and leader.

The most valuable thing about the experience had nothing to do with Townsend whatsoever, but was the experiences I uncovered by following the process. Townsend merely a guide and facilitator to the magic of self creation.

I highly recommend working with Townsend for any man is looking to discover more out of their life and isn’t exactly sure what the next step is—or one who finds themselves great in a couple areas of their life, but lacking in others.

~ Brent W

I honestly wasn’t sure what I was looking for in this program at the beginning, but Townsend is pretty good at knowing when someone needs help or could do better. I was feeling a little “stuck” and knew there were important conversations I wasn’t having. How do you say no when someone you respect asks if you want to create your extraordinary life?

First, I learned that I am not alone. Everybody in our group was experiencing similar challenges in life to varying degrees. If I had to summarize what I learned about myself, it would be that I was masking my being with a lot of doing. I learned to breathe and think about the thoughts I was having as a neutral 3rd party.

Transformation is a strong word, but this process has transformed how I think about everything. I view almost every thought and certainly every action through the lens of my declaration to ensure I am acting with integrity.

The most concrete outcomes of this process were removal of judgement and clarity of thought. The most valuable outcomes of these new skills were realized in my relationship with my wife and my career. The removal of judgement enabled me to see the woman I’ve loved for 25 years and remove the noise while the clarity of thought led me to decline a very lucrative opportunity in lieu of one that was more clearly aligned with my being and my “why.”

~ Tom M

When I first connected with Townsend, I was looking for internal peace and a sense of calm.

Our work together help me learn about myself. I learned there is nothing wrong with me, I’m not broken. The insight I walk away with is the control I have over my environment by creating my days, my weeks, my goals differently. Coming from a place of abundance and unlimited opportunity instead of being in a place of scarcity and fear.

At work I have had my most successful year of my career. I have also been apart of creating that abundance for my team as well. Unprecedented growth. In my personal relationship with my wife I feel like a newlywed again. After twenty years I feel more connected and more open than at any other time in twenty years of marriage. With my daughter I have been able to be more relatable to her. It has allowed me to be a 10 year old kid again myself and experience the benefits of being present and engaged and really live in the moment. Within myself I feel like I have more energy and that nothing is too big for me. I can do some amazing shit.

Through this experience and over this past year, I have created life changing economic success that I attribute to this work. Even more significantly, I am a better husband and father (and my high blood pressure is gone).

~ Josh L

When I first got connected to Townsend, it was through a very good friend of mine. I had been venting about to challenges of early parenthood, the stress I was experiencing in my marriage (largely due to me), and grappling with why I wasn’t happy despite my professional success, beautiful family, loving wife and the comfort and adventure we have in our lives.

Our work together helped me form a new road map and tool kit for personal growth. It provided the foundation on which to realign with my values and chart a path forward. A way to constantly challenge the degree to which I create my own negative thinking and the degree to which I was justifying my own “stuckness.”

As part of this work, I created a daily ritual, a practice, of consciously and intentionally creating myself, challenging my limiting beliefs and changing my thinking over time. I see progress in myself all the time and also have accepted that this journey of self-love and self-growth is eternal, and that’s a good thing.

The most valuable take away from our time together has been a renewed awareness and confidence in the power I have over my thinking and thus my circumstances and a drive to constantly create my best self.

~ Andrew M

When I first met Townsend, life was stagnant. I was missing a lot. Direction, purpose, connection. He helped me through his process to define all of these areas for myself.

The work with Townsend helped me learn that I lived my life with expectations not agreements and I let judgements of others and of myself affect me in a negative way.

I experience transformation in every aspect of my life, how I treat my family, relationships, work, and most importantly myself.

At the end of the day Townsend gave me a magic tool. One that I had been with me all along but I never knew how to “swing the hammer.” There isn’t a day that has gone by where I don’t use this tool to better myself and those around me. For that I am infinitely grateful to have been able to work with him

~ Reid V

When we first connected on the topic of being and purpose 7 years ago, I was seeking a connection and better understanding of the “why” in my life and I made significant progress in the space. Purpose driven thinking and action became a fuel in the way I interacted with myself and the world. Recently, I’ve been feeling a stagnation, lack of motivation, and disconnection with the work and progress I have made. I felt a certain plateau. Even though I absolutely loved my life, I felt a bit stuck..

Our work together not only brought back the “muscle memory” of the previous work and alleviated the stagnation I was feeling, but it gave me the sense of responsibility and accountability to myself that I’ve never felt to this degree before. As obvious as it is to me now, I was just as oblivious to the reality that this work is never ending. Recreating myself on a continuous, daily, minute by minute basis is so much more important than finding some useful insights and storing it away in a toolbox. The previous work that I did helped me solidify the “why”. This work gave me the tool of the “how”. How to be in order to achieve my heart’s deepest desires.

Transformation occurred for me mainly with my relationship with myself. I’ve become my word and it has made life easy and care-free. It may sound like a restriction and limitation, however it has proved to be the exact opposite for me. Being my word is one of the greatest freedoms. It’s subsequent effect has been a tranquility in my head and I’m able to, better than ever, quiet down the chatter and rely on a creative power I have yet to fully tap into. This transformation of my relationship with myself was necessary for me to enhance my relationship with others and with the universe itself. I can see that my transformations are especially impactful to the people I have an opportunity to share my journey. It is most fulfilling to see a change in others as a byproduct through the change in myself.

My increased endurance, strength and discipline physically, mentally and emotionally are very real and valuable outcomes. Although the enhancements during our 3 months on this journey have been noteworthy to myself and to those around me, I am most grateful for the fact that this is only the beginning. I’m very fortunate to have these tools at my disposal at a young age. I am certain that my shift in being will be a lifelong process of refinement and I’m blessed to have the opportunity to be my best self and spread the light to my family, friends, colleagues and complete strangers. I feel like “renegade” growing in creative power every time I have an opportunity to share my experience and have the slightest influence on someone’s being. It’s incredible and impossible to put the complete aspect into words. My greatest realization is that my gratitude is my consciousness and my consciousness is infinite.

~ Greg G

When we first connected, my life was missing two key elements; not feeling the sense of purpose that I once did, and being 100% confident about where I should invest my time to lead a more fulfilling life.

Our work together help me uncover multiple aspects about myself I hadn’t heard or seen before, including negativity toward others based on circumstance or appearance, times when I unknowingly demonstrate low confidence, and times when frustration was impacting my attitude and actions.

Since working together, my wife has been referring to me lately as “Bob after Townsend”, recognizing a more calm, happier and thoughtful being. It’s also clear to me and others, that I am more present in the now, less reactive, and leading with a renewed calm attitude during difficult situations.

Creating a self declaration is by far the most life changing activity I have participated in in the last 20 years. Beginning with journaling “unuseful thoughts” then studying why those negative or unuseful thoughts appear throughout the day and what they mean to me is an important self examination that everyone should experience. This eye-opening experience revealed opportunities for growth and was foundational in building my manifesto.

~ Bob B

When Townsend and I first connected, my life felt in complete disarray. I was confronted with a series of financial hurdles, transitioning to a new career, and general disconnection with who I am and my place in this world. I was looking for a change in perspective. I needed a different insight on how to navigate life.

Our work together helped me realize that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be right now. I learned that my thoughts, good and bad, are powerful. I learned that by being present with my thoughts, I’m able to find the right direction and actions to create amazing opportunities.

I’ve seen transformations in many aspects of my life. I’ve become more aware of my BEing and how I navigate life. I’ve become more spiritual. I’ve become more present in my relationships with family and friends. I’m at peace. Ive started a better daily routine. I’ve started meditating which I’ve never done before. And I’ve become more in tune with my surroundings giving me better guidance on how to create what I want in that moment.

I have a much better sense of well being after this work. Specifically, my relationship with my wife has gotten better, I’m more in tune with my children, and my career path is heading in the right direction. The most valuable aspect of the work together is getting to know me again. Seeing me, my life, and what I can accomplish in journey called life has been extremely powerful. It’s taught me to truly Engage In Life, to commit to the right opportunities, and make the best of the time we have!

~ Frank F

When I decided to join the program life was going pretty well. I really did not have any big expectations or outcomes I was looking for and figured it would just be a nice positive experience.

So it was a surprise when I realized I was living at about 25% of where I could be, in terms of effort and results.

As a result of participating in the group coaching program, my relationship with my 12-year-old son completely transformed. Before the course, I felt like I was failing him and after the course, I have a whole new way to relate to him that has made a huge difference in both of our lives. Also, I got a whole new boost of energy and excitement about life. I was coasting. Now I’m crushing.

If all I got was a better relationship with my son it would be worth quadruple what I paid but I know for sure that that is only the beginning and the results will continue to pile up as the weeks and months unfold. Especially since I’m now part of a community that is very supportive and keeps me going.

~ Forrest D

I have accomplished something in less than 3 months that I have been trying to do for the past 8 years. Thoughts and feelings that have tormented and held me back for years no longer control my life or control me. I am creating more powerfully in my life than I ever thought was possible.

I was struggling with self-doubt, chronic anxiety and self-sabotage in every area of my life. I was worried about money constantly and always afraid of failure and that I would never have the life I wanted.

The most important thing I learned is that every emotion in my life comes from a thought. Before I believed that thoughts and feelings were separate things that both occurred randomly. Now I see that every thought comes from who I am being and every emotion comes from those thoughts.

I have seen transformation in every area of my life. My income, my daily existence, my relationships, my self love and my habits. I am seeing life from a perspective I always wished I could and I no longer think anything is impossible. I have the tools I need to continually create myself as a powerful and unlimited being for the rest of my life.

~ John W

I am blessed to have met Townsend and join the ‘’Creating Your Extraordinary Life Experience.”

I am blown away by the transformation I created for myself before, during and after the program. I went from being an ordinary coach, to an extraordinary coach.

I can see for myself where I limit myself and I have to ability to break free from that now on a deeper level.

I love Townsend for who he is and what he does. Thank you Townsend, i love you, Virgil Nooitmeer.

I was looking for an experience that would show me how to create myself as a better coach.

I learned and discovered that everything I have or experience in my life is because I created it so. I have also become more conscious of where I was holding back or limiting myself. The insight that was the most profound was that I could change every story/belief I have of myself and that changed my way of looking at my stories. I also created the possibility to create everything I want.

I have experienced transformation in my way of being towards everyone in my life. I saw where I was pleasing people because of thoughts I created that I experienced as real. I can be more of who I am now. More of who I want to be. I also closed the biggest deal every because I did not cling to my limited beliefs, but I decided to create a new empowering story.

The most valuable aspect of our work together was seeing that I do not keep my word al the time and that I go ‘’into sleep’’. But I can see that it is me who is creating the sleep modus. I am more conscious of it and go into sleep less. The more awake I am the more impact I am making.

~ Virgil N

When we first connected, my life was lacking in two areas. The first was financial success and the confidence I can regain it. The second was inner peace and self-acceptance which I realized in hindsight.

This work helped me see that the world is FOR me is primarily a result of how I perceive the world from who I am being. By intentionally shifting who I am being, I can create an entirely new reality for myself. Life can be however I want it to be.

As a result of our work together, my marriage and relationship with my wife has improved. She’s noticed a change in me which has helped her take action on doing some work on her end. My health has also shifted.

I have shed 12 pounds in less than three weeks and I’m just getting started.

This might sound strange but I feel like I’m in that scene from Matrix where Neo breaks out of the cocoon and sees his reality around him for the first time. I understanding now I have a lot of power to create whatever I want.

For the first time, I am asking myself: “what do I want to create with the rest of my life?” AND I see how I’m free to figure out what I want my life to be.

As a result of this experience, I quit my unfulfilling job at a failing startup and created a new opportunity that aligns with who I am and who am intentionally BEcoming.

The most valuable aspect of this experience has been an evolving understanding that I am a creator and that I can create what I want to experience in my life.

~ Matt G

This journey started for me really at Christmas time after having read The Ultimate Coach. The book struck a real chord with me and I wrote to Steve Hardison via social media thanking him and his wife for the wisdom and beauty his book contained and how it had inspired me personally.

We have interacted sporadically on Instagram and it was Steve who forwarded me a video of Townsend. The word that hooked me in the video was curious!

I was curious why Steve would take time out of his busy day to forward this on to me, and I was curious to hear more from Townsend.

Traditionally I was someone that would have dismissed it all, I would have talked myself out of taking any action. However fortunately for me, with the inspiration of Steve’s book of Being and having already seen a shift in how I was creating my life, (if only with tiny steps), shit was happening and I knew that I had to take action.

So I thanked Steve and reached out to Townsend. I’d like to acknowledge myself for having even gone that far.

The rest of the journey thus far has been far more than I could have even thought possible.

When I spoke with Townsend initially and he explained about the course, I knew I wanted to sign up but for me the level of investment was high. Higher than anything I had spent on myself before. That said I felt confident and decided to trust the process and go for it. I acknowledge myself for being brave and taking the opportunity, that again was a grey area where I could have talked myself out of taking action.

The course itself has been so incredibly useful and the things I have learnt with both Townsend and KD have been so, so, so much more than just about how to sell!

There was a time where I really felt uncomfortable, less motivated to do my home work and did question whether the discomfort was going to lead to anything positive. It was the unhelpful listening that I didn’t like. I had two options, I could either do surface level wishy washy stuff around my negative talk. Or I could open a Pandora’s box full of goodness knows what.

I gritted my teeth and went deep, recording with honesty in my journal what I felt and said to myself. It wasn’t pleasant, a lot of things were not the kind of things I wanted to say out loud let alone share with others.

I remember I always felt pretty “grubby” after I had written things down and I became aware that I had become pretty good at frosting the dog dirts on the lawn.

This work really did take a level of grit for me to stick with and do to the utmost of my ability.

Afterwards things started to bubble up from my subconscious and I started to join dots up about who I was being. The big takeaways I have from doing that work is around responsibility for others, inadequacy, low self worth, aggression/frustration, lack of trust and a belief that I don’t deserve love.

Taking a look like this took courage and I am grateful that I had Townsend and the others in the cohort to help me digest and dissect it all.

Since I have started to understand about how I can shift my being and have written my Declaration, I have noticed some amazing changes / opportunities present themselves.

In my declaration document (which has only been in existence about 3-4 weeks from writing this) I have declared I work with clients who appreciate quality and integrity. Since declaring that I have had an increase in repeat business from good clients who I know appreciate what I do for them Plus the real mind blowing part is, the new business enquiries, nearly all have stated they appreciate the quality of my work and one gentleman said the long standing relationships I have with my clients spoke volumes to him!!

In the declaration I talk about other people are responsible for themselves. Since declaring this there has been a change, I no longer blame myself or feel responsible for other people’s decisions or actions. This is liberating and has had a noticeable effect on how I feel.

A more subtle example of this also presented itself. It’s hot where I live at present and opening up the windows first thing helps to cool the house off, the other morning a neighborhood cat came in through once of the windows. It didn’t do anything, it was just being nosey and it took fright when I walked in to the room and flew back out the window. I mentioned it to my wife when she came down for breakfast and she told me I had to pay attention to that in case he comes back.

Without even a blink of an eye I simply asked her why it was my responsibility to patrol the house. She said: “well not just you, all of us should be aware.”

Usually that comment would have been taken by me as another plate for me to start spinning, so whilst I get up early to exercise, meditate and do my studies or work in the office etc I’d have the responsibility of ensuring no errant cats enter via any open windows (of which there are many)!

Instead a simple question, a little clarity around what was said and I as a result am not on sentry duty as soon as I wake up nor do I feel as though I should be.

I no longer believe I don’t deserve the same level of respect and decency I give to others. This has lead to me removing one person from my life. Three times he has agreed to meet for coffee, and on three separate times been a no show. Even on the last time asking me to text him the morning of our meet up to remind him. The third time was the last time. I don’t need people like that in my life! Usually I would have been understanding and accepted that coffee with me was not a big deal and understandable why he let it slip. Not anymore baby, its his loss!

Conscious this is going on somewhat, but all in all it has been a great start and I intend to continue with my declaration and work on keeping the negative listening in check.

The most valuable aspect of our work is having a better understanding of myself, where I have come from, where I’m heading and feeling more comfortable and at ease in my own skin.

~ Dean C

My career was getting to a point where my confidence and results were waning. I felt I was lacking more knowledge and training to help grow professionally. I thought I had hit a brick wall and was beating my head against it trying to move it, what used to work no longer did.

I have learned that my thinking- programming has taken me this far but was not going to get me to the next stage in development or life if you will. I needed to dig deeper. I realize now that I have been driving by de-energizing thoughts, while they have worked they are extremely draining.

I have begun to see where my actions/reactions are driven by thoughts I didn’t really pay attention to and after doing so have come to see that they were mostly negative. This type of forcing function driven by negative or de-energizing thoughts has taken a major toll on my quality of life and this needed to change, fast.

I can start to see where my thoughts are taking me before they run wild and drive my reactions. I suspect I will continue to get better at this and will see more results in the future.

~ Ryan D

Leading up to the time I was considering the BEING for Sales experience, I was reading a lot of books and taking a lot of online courses to grow personally and professionally.

I wanted to get better at selling and I was looking for a way to advance in my career.

We were getting on the other side of COVID and I felt isolated, not depressed, but missing a sense of connection with people, society, and life outside of my home office.

I had never participated in a coaching group but had this sense that being involved with other people would add a new element to my own commitment to personal growth.

I was a bit skeptical at first because I was thinking I had already done a lot of work programming my own subconscious mind to be geared for success.

From all the work I had done before, I experienced the most results from positive self-talk and following the 80/20 rule in business and life.

I learned that transformation can take place at deeper levels beyond the subconscious mind to produce our thoughts and actions. I learned that it’s not just about the thoughts.

I hold judgements that are ingrained within me as a result of how I experienced life to this point.

I learned the true meaning of, “To the same measure we judge others, we will be judged ourselves”. The big revelation for me was that my judgements will manifest one way or the other and if nobody is around to receive my judgment, I will direct those judgments towards myself. In other words, I realized my self-judgement was the equalizer for balancing the equation, judgement of others = judgment of self.

With this understanding it was like the scales fell of my eyes and I believed it was possible to transform at levels beyond managing and controlling our thinking.

Throughout this experience I’ve been brought to tears several times…once alone, another time sharing the work with my wife, and also sharing my new declaration of BEING with two strangers walking by my house. It was uncomfortable at times but I was obedient to the process.

The best I can describe this experience is that feeling you get when you are laughing and crying at the same time. You just know something is different.

This change, this shift if BEING is producing new thoughts, effortlessly.

Also, I got really honest with myself and what I truly want. I dropped the baggage on some things I was thinking I’m supposed to do.

I love selling and I love writing so that’s what I do.

~ Christian S

Some months ago, Steve Hardison suggested that I contact you and Devin Bandison to get a real understanding of what it took to have a document. I attended the Game Changer event in New York in March. I wanted to really to present myself as a coach to help others after that event, but a friend Alex Dumas suggested that I should really focus on my current business in Real Estate and make that happen. I have always considered myself as a mediocre salesman, and then Townsend advertised on Facebook about doing a Sales Being cohort. I thought, wow, what if I could BE a salesperson who helps other people struggling with the intricacies of salesmanship and show them by example, how to earn $40+k per month in Real Estate including myself and the people in my firm that are already working so hard.

I think from the other gentlemen in the cohort, feeling inadequate around salesmanship is probably more universal than I originally thought. Therefore, I could probably ease up on myself and just BE in this moment and know that we can all get to where we want to go. I forgive myself for not seeing this fact in the past. What new insights did you have? The most profound moment came from setting agreements in the sales process, or in any relationship in your life. It really makes sense, but it never occurred to me before this experience. What do you see about yourself or life that you didn’t see previously? I have really been wishy washy about my life. I have some very bold ideas, but have held off so that I do not appear weird or weak to others. I appreciate that I may have squandered many opportunities because I have not taken on a being of being bold and decisive in my life.

There does seem to be a lessening of the unuseful thinking in my head. Instead of lingering on those thoughts, I have a tool to find a new belief to substitute it with. What have others observed or commented on? I haven’t heard anyone say that they have noticed any difference in me, because what is happening is more internal at this point.

I have the foundation of a document that really feels like me in every way. While a few things are what I am creating myself to be, they feel tangible and real. I feel good about myself and I can evoke emotion inside of myself as I practice memorizing it. What have been the most valuable outcomes of this work? I was able to take my “All In” training from Chris Dorris and invest $40,000 in an education for Real Estate Investing, get $63,000 in funding to pay for the training and pay for the minimum payments for a year and still have $15,000 left seed money to hire a virtual assistant, get websites, and everything else to be able to provide trust with potential clients. I realized that the housing market was on the way to a significant change, but I am steady and am able to get sleep each night. I know there is a possibility that this will all come crashing down, and it is my last hoorah, but I am being calm and loving what is. I constantly get more insights and finding incredible teachings on the law of attraction, but I am just working through everything and staying positive. I have not made any money yet, but I have come to believe that everything that needs to happen will. I am focused on enjoying the journey and staying away from worrying about the outcomes.

~ Dennis F

I came to CYELE in a broken place feeling lonely and pushing away people in my life. My wife was frustrated. People who work for me were exasperated and quitting. I had no awareness of how I was affecting the people around me until it suddenly became abundantly clear when people close to me abruptly brought this to my attention. I was ashamed of myself and felt broken. I knew I needed to make changes.

My CYELE experience brought about a transformational self-awareness about how my thoughts affect my physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental realities. I have a new awareness of myself and how I am impacting those around me. I can feel noticeable improvement in my marriage, and I am patient toward my stepson. I can see the people around me at work feeling more comfortable, empowered, productive, and happy. I am capable of being a leader who people are willing to follow. I acknowledge the work of people around me and make sure they know I am grateful for them.

I am someone who could feel lonely in a crowded room. I was constantly in my own head and in my own thoughts. I was a poor listener prior to CYELE. My thoughts controlled me instead of me controlling my thoughts. Today I am a better listener, and I am more present with my family. By shedding the worry, negative thinking, and constant self-evaluation, I am more productive at work, and I can leave work things at work, so I am more present at home. I feel less stressed. I am a better husband. I am a better business partner.

I am finding out that skills that character traits that I previously would have attributed to my professional success have actually been detrimental. I can identify negative thinking and consciously substitute that thinking before it begins to shape my reality. I am more positive, and I feel more at ease. I see new opportunities to deploy my resources in the most advantageous ways.

I have clarity on how fortunate I am. I know that I am not alone. I have an awareness of my thoughts and the ability to change my thinking in a manner that creates the life I desire. I know where I will find the peace and contentment that I seek. These are all tools that I now have and will go out from here to create an extraordinary life for my family, friends, co-workers, and for me.

~ Josh D

When I signed up for Townsend’s Cohort, I didn’t know what to expect. What I did know was that his work (and direct conversations with him, and also with people who had worked with him) created a knowing in me that I had to work with him and that whatever that entailed would be extremely impactful in my life if I showed up present and ready to do the work.

Upon starting,I started second guessing things and questioning if I’d even get anything out of this, since what we were discussing I already had some experience with. But I silenced those thoughts and decided to show up and put in the work. I mean, I had already paid so it wouldn’t be smart not to and Townsend doesn’t work with stupid people.

This was the beginning of a new life for me. It was difficult but extremely rewarding. I experienced a couple weeks of depression while doing the work. I learned how to look at my thoughts and see who I was being, and what that was creating, in a way that I had never before. I could see so many places I was in my own way. I was also being shown how to get out of the way and how to create the life I wanted in a very clear and powerful way. While I haven’t been practicing long enough to be able to implement it quickly in the moment yet, I’m working on it and it’s still led to some big improvements with my relationships, especially with my wife and daughters. The process I went through and the commitment it took have totally changed my life from a place of passive creation to a space of infinite intentional creation. I am really starting to be able to live a life worth living.

~ Casey G

Before working with Townsend, I was unsure of what this experience would bring for me or what value would it add, given my work is very BEING focussed as well. However, it was amazing to experience the sessions and the exercises. I discovered new parts of my BEING which were hidden from me before, including the most surprising one, that I am more scared of my greatness than failure. It hit me like a bolt and I am still processing it, and constantly staying present so that I do not hold my own light back from the world.

As a result, I see that I am much more bolder and direct in conversations, and not afraid to speak my truth. This hasn’t translated into tangible business results yet, but it doesn’t matter as I can sense that is just around the corner. Also, the lack of results doesn’t really impact my BEING and behavior in the world like it used to.

~ Sumit G

As I considered CYELE, what was missing from my life was Clarity and it’s neighbor Confidence. My head was filled with an array of convoluted subconscious I AM statements. I am this, I am that, lacking a unified string to weave my tapestry of identity around. Because of this the majority of my life was comprised of half-assed attempts at this, that, or the other.

The first learning from this experience was the observation of the sheer overwhelm of thoughts flittering about between my ears. When you pause and notice the abundance of these thoughts and the skew of helpful to unhelpful thoughts it is quite shocking. From this you begin to see how dirty the oil is after plunging the oil stick is into your being and the sheer amount of excavation and re-framing your inner world needs. I realized throughout this process that there is one principle lack or area of opportunity in my life that I need to commit to being more serious about…selection and it’s neighbor commitment. But this isn’t the truth… the truth is I have allowed fear to navigate and chart the course of my life (or tyrannize me rather than I tyrannize it by sheer force of will). Anyone great became such through rigorous commitment, ruthless even, this has been all but absent entirely from my life. This experience and the punctual crux moment of the exchange I had with Justin last weekend revealed this fact when speaking about commitment or my lack thereof and he asked, “Hummm I wonder where else this is showing up in your life.” I was floored, the weight of his question cut through to the core of my being and I realized NOW is the time to buck the hell up and SELECT. ALL of this is rooted in fear of being found out, which is the product of thoughts, which is the product of the manner in which my being is being.

I now have a healthy nagging gnawing feeling that I NEED TO COMMIT to my goals, to my living my life as art (as Nietzsche would say – which is the product of taking inventory of all that I am and desire to be based on strengths), and to becoming the best version of me.

The most valuable outcome from this work is how aware and attuned this work has made me. I now sense when my outdated software is flaring up again attempting to work against me. With the tools I now have my tool kit, I feel more equipped than ever to combat the inevitable wave after wave of thoughts that will emerge that do not serve me.

Overall, this experience has been life changing. I am grateful to have met a true and dear friend… something I have yearned for. I am grateful to be part of community of extraordinary creators like myself who I am excited to learn from and share my greatness with them.

~ Austin E

Prior to working with TW, I was stressed at work, missing time with my family, spinning my wheels in my career, and just generally unhappy. In working with TW, we unpacked decades worth of negative beliefs – or negative BEing – doubt, fear, insecurity, shame, and feelings of inadequacy that I carried unknowingly every day like a 50lb weight vest. Townsend showed me how to become aware of who I was being, and that I have the power to create whatever being I desire.

Since our time together…

My relationship with my wife has improved as I know see her for who she is, what she needs, and her own fears and doubts about herself
My work-life balance has improved as I have been forced to be more intentional with my time each day.
My success in my vocation has increased, and where I used to feel stuck I now see multiple opportunities to 2, 5, and 10x my business.
I used to feel inadequate about my ability to lead my new team, now I am confident that I can either provide them the best mentorship, or I have equipped them with the tools to grow themselves.
One thing that radically changed in my sessions with TW was my relationship with my father. I have always and unknowingly harbored significant insecurities about myself rooted in my relationship with him. I never knew that was the case, but TW helped me deconstruct my relationship with my own son, and showed my how many of my own fears and feelings stem from my relationship with him.

I’m tremendously grateful for my time with Townsend. If you are a man today, looking for direction or already confident that you have all the answers, you would certainly appreciate, enjoy and likely benefit from time with Townsend. And, I’m willing to bet you’d make a lifelong friend in the process like I did.

~ Landon D

I was looking for personal mastery, a closer relationship with my wife, and business growth. It was never to be found because I already am that!

I learned that no problem is solvable from the consciousness that creates it. Being produces thoughts that create actions that produce results. When I want different results, I go to the source: I shift my being.

I learned that “being” isn’t a destination. It’s a state of mind. I get to create it in every moment of every day. I allow myself to see my “unuseful” thoughts to see better the being that creates them. And then I shift.

My being is that I am 100% responsible for it all. I know I am perfect, whole, and complete. I fully realize that the meaning of my life is entirely up to me.

Tangibly, measurably, this experience has shown me that everything is all right. I’m at peace.

What I never saw coming – and I see now – is that I create it all. This is the moment of creation. From this moment on, I create my world anew!

~ Eric E

As I considered this experience, I really didn’t know what I was looking for. I thought I was missing purpose and desire, but I have strong conviction for both. I was definitely missing contentment. I was struggling with self confidence. I was looking for tools to help me better cope with stress and manage my ever-present internal dialogue.

I had been a fan of Townsends work for years. I loved the focus and power of his words and a seemingly intriguing perspective. But I was initially skeptical of some of the content and process.

As part of this experience, I came to learn that Concepts which I did not understand (eg Being. Creating) and which I was originally skeptical of, were powerful concepts rooted in psychology, sociology, and philosophy and spirituality. I acknowledge that notions of being, creating, commitment, and integrity, form key pillars of what it means to be a human being.

Townsend helped me come to terms with the fact that traits which I believed I espoused, integrity and authenticity, were actually lacking in who I was being in all aspects of my life.

I see a lot differently now. The inner dialogue is still there, but I have the belief that I can create new perspectives that serve me better, and tools that I can lean on daily to create myself.

The experience has transformed my perspective on what it means to be me. It has helped me with my relationship with my kids, my work, my wife, and most importantly myself. I still struggle with un-useful thoughts, and I still catch myself stressing and criticizing myself, but I am able to reset and pull myself out of these states much quicker. I believe in myself again.

In terms of outcomes, I am consistently getting 7-8hrs of sleep by keeping a commitment to myself regarding bed time.

I have overcome late night snacking by acknowledging that it was bad for me, and committing to being someone who does not snack before bed. And I feel much better waking up in the morning.

Something I never saw coming was the realization that I create myself as an introvert, pretending to be an extrovert. It’s not who I am, it’s who I am being. And I can create myself however I want.

~ Ryan R

When Townsend and I first discussed the Create Your Life program I was very interested because I felt as though I was missing a committed routine in my life. At the time, I was waking up each day at different times, somewhat prepared for the day, but mostly agitated because I hadn’t got everything done and I wasn’t on top of the ball. That frustration was bleeding into my personal life; I was short-tempered with my wife and kids which always spiraled into arguments when the exhaustion of the day crept in.

In addition, I hold a ton of anxiety in my heart which stems from the uncertainty around business-ownership. Which clients are leaving this month? Which employees are unhappy? How can I MAKE our clients satisfied and team members happier? All these thoughts constantly running through my head. What can I DO!?

This experience has helped me learn that the source of the anxiety, the frustration, the inability to rise early, conquer the day, etc. is all stemming from the life I created – not stemming from life’s poor pitiful oppression of my creativity. In short, the experience helped me to understand that my Being was creating my thinking was creating my actions was creating my world. Understanding that, I am able to consciously BE (orient) myself in such a way that my thinking is more positive, more energizing, more wholesome, more productive, more loving, etc. This creates better action and a better life for me and those around me.

As a result of this work, I’ve realized that my legacy being is rife with being disappointed, fear of disappointing others, righteousness, impatience, and a host of other orientations to life that have served me well up until recently. I am now consciously adjusting my being and that starts with my relationship with my wife, my children, loss, time, and money. I’ve created and committed to a schedule; I’ve purchased technology that is assisting me and I am mastering each and every day.

The outcomes of this work have been mostly outcomes of the mind and heart. More peace knowing that I can re-orient my being whenever I want… and the ability to notice when I need to re-orient my being. More freedom knowing that Legacy Reece was successful and powerful but filled with ways of being that needed to be shed – fears, doubts, pressures, etc.

Tangibly, I’ve produced a new routine and have committed to it. I am waking up daily at 4:30 AM. Creating myself through my Declaration, exercising more than ever before, preparing for the day/week/month ahead and orienting myself toward being love, kindness, a creator, a savage, etc. Tangibly, I’ve made life-long connections with the men in my small group and with Townsend Wardlaw. Tangibly, I’ve reorganized my business’s service construct and pricing by asking the question… “How do I want to do this now that I am not afraid of losing a client, losing money, losing team members, etc.”; “Not assuming I know what clients want; how would I create the ultimate value machine for them?” – this has yielded in a 2x price increase and a whole new way of doing business. Success is yet to be determined, but I do not fail.

The one thing that I never saw coming was the realization that I do not proactively communicate nearly as often as I should or as I think that I do. I hid behind complaining to and with others. I hid behind ‘figuring it out’. I hid behind “get through the day”. This is still challenging for me; however, I get to create through it.

~ Reece T

CYELE has truly has been transformational. And I want to stress transformational. Not just, ‘Oh yeah that course was really good’. But that it transformed how I create my life every single day.

The way that I interact with the world minute-to-minute is different. The way that I interact with the people in my life. With the events that occur. How I view/treat myself. All completely different.

And this all coming from pre-Townsend state of thinking that my life was amazing (and it was)! I had great relationships, a successful business, traveled a bunch, etc. Living the dream.

What I came to realize was that not only were there tactical ways I was holding myself back (unhelpful thoughts), there was an entirely different level of existence I had no idea was reachable. And now I know, from the bottom of my heart, that it is very reachable. And that I can choose to live it every single day.

My journey with these tools has just begun. But in the few short weeks since I declared my new truths I have “magically” transformed into the greatest father, husband, brother, son and friend in the world.

I’ve realized that everyone in my life (including me) is perfect exactly as they are. And that I have unconditional love for all of them (also including me).

The list goes on (I’ll link them here). But what I’ve realized is that I’m more powerful that I ever realized. And as I grow into trusting this “magic”, that power will only grow.

I will be forever grateful to Townsend for opening my eyes to this truth.

~ Chris R

When I joined CYELE I was looking to play a bigger game, get the money, get the girl, find my voice as a coach.

This experience helped me learn to see my being more clearly and how it produces the thoughts, rather than hacking at the leaves (thoughts) I can address the root (being). I started to see I had developed resentment for women. I could see how this was getting in the way of me connecting with women.

The biggest change I experienced is that I was able to address my resentment and begin connecting with women again. I had been dating but not as much as I wanted and the resentment that I didn’t see too clearly kept the relationships short and superficial, I never wanted to call any of them my girlfriend. Now I met someone wonderful and we formed a strong connection right away. I am happy to call her my girlfriend.

~ Layne C

What I wanted most was clarity on why I think the way I do. Why do I not think powerfully, joyfully and with excitement? That’s what was missing.

What did this experience help me learn? Quite simply, I learned to see myself as blameless and most powerfully to forgive myself for blaming myself. Gaining clarity on why it was difficult to forgive myself was a powerful insight. I didn’t know I didn’t know I thought that way. Yet that way of thinking infused my being. Other people and things outside myself held power over me. Being able to allow myself to forgive myself helped me to reclaim that power.

Understanding my cookie machine was another powerful distinction and my rigid adherence to the cookies it produced. I understood, not just agreed, why Paul lamented in Romans 7: I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

My most tangible outcomes are my relationship with my wife Michele seeing her in the way she is, not the way I want her to be and finding perfection in that. We don’t get into disagreements like we used to. One area that was a source of tension was my punctuality. Incorporating integrity, I wrote up an agreement with her with my intention to be on time. She thought that was nonsense, but later after seeing me in action, reassessed her opinion. Now being on time is a matter of my word, not just an estimation.

What I never saw coming is realizing that the way I have lived my life was a direct result of my choice to not live like my father. I shared on What’sApp that I spoke my document to my father and he replied that most people your age are thinking of retiring and you are just starting. He did say it frustrated him the way I lived my life, but he was happy I was taking time to be with him at the senior living facility. As I was driving back with my wife, talking about what my father had said, it occurred to me I have lived my life perfectly from that decision. It also occurred to me that I am free from living that way now.

I am free to create another perfect life;-)

Thank you!!

~ Steve S

Part of the challenge is that I have shifted significantly, so it is difficult to recall how life appeared before the shifts. I can’t access it. At least not easily. I’d say that what I was looking for was the experience of actually having my being shift. I feel like I had had enough theory and some practice, but don’t know if I had a deep enough understanding or doing.

I’d say that the two biggest insights have been: First, nothing is inherently anything and that I am the source of my experience. I get to say what things are… and that’s what they then are for me. Weird. Powerful. When I first saw this (again) right after our last call, I felt like I was riding a high for about a week. I feel like I finally get it. Of course, a few months or a few years from now I’ll get it at a deeper level and realize that I don’t get it at all now. And second, the default way of being never goes away and is always available, but I can always choose to shift out of it. That has been a very useful and, frankly, comforting thing to realize. I think I’ve thought that the work was to just make it go away permanently. That was not happening. So, I felt that I must be doing something wrong. Knowing that it is always an in-the-moment choice and I can shift it whenever I want has been awesome.

My three biggest transformations were 1) I am more aware of my thinking in the moment, including the character or energy of my thinking. 2) I’d say I’m much more chill about where I am and what I can see and do right now. I know that I am not seeing all that is seeable. I know that I’m not doing all that is doable. And I’m ok with that and where I am. 3) One of the most powerful transformations has been the experience of being able to shift my being in the moment and then live from that shifted being and the thinking that flows from it.

There were a couple things I never saw coming. First, that my default way of being is dissatisfaction. I didn’t really see that until you pointed it out to me on our phone call. Second, my word that I give to myself is not strong, so I am reluctant to give my word to others and commit to things. This is a very big insight for me.

To be honest, I’ve more or less thought of integrity as a mildly annoying concept that gives folks exposed to Landmark/Erhard the ability to give others incredible amounts of pointless shit for being 2 minutes late to a meeting. Kind of joking. Kind of not.

But now I see that integrity is a very useful concept.

The structural concrete in a Miami condo building analogy from the last call was helpful. Especially as I spent 3 years of my life litigating construction projects gone wrong, some involving bad concrete.

I’ve seen the last couple of weeks that because I don’t trust the word I give myself 100%, I am reluctant to give my word to others or commit to things. I don’t trust my word. That’s why I’ve always fucking hated the concept of commitment and the TBOLITNFL video. I think I am starting to get it now.

~ Dave G

I joined this container to further my exploration of questioning my thoughts and getting to the level of BEing. I had done previous work with other masters in this field beforehand, which were invaluable experiences for me.

Coming from this place, I was looking to deepen my practice of conscious self- creation.

With Townsend’s approach, I was afforded a more systematic, tangible process to do “the work”. His metaphors were invaluable. Getting to the level of the cookie machine, for example, created immense clarity of where I’m trying to go on this journey.

Being in a container with 7 other powerful men on a similar path was invaluable. So powerful.

I uncovered many levels of my legacy being that were hidden before hand. This has been helpful in many areas of my life. I also realize that this is an ongoing life pursuit, and will remain that way until the end of this journey on this planet.

When I started the program, my wife and I were planning on separating. By going to the level of the cookie machine and questioning my thoughts, I was able to create myself so powerfully, get clear on what I wanted and ask for that with no attachment. This created a space where we could step into something new and create a brand new relationship together. This would not have been possible with my old legacy way of being. I would have seen my reality as the issue and ran away from it. I am now able to be with the impossible to be with.

What I’ve noticed is by creating myself so powerfully, others around you will either rise up or fade away. And I am attached to nothing. I am free. I am non-attachment. I have nothing to lose. I am one with everyone. I am love.

~ Bradley D

Thank you thank you…this is a personal acknowledgement of course, but you deserve rich acknowledgement as well for creating this extraordinary container. I am so looking forward to our final meeting on Friday! In the meanwhile, this is my personal acknowledgement.

I want to acknowledge myself for having shown up committed to playing full out in this process. I want to acknowledge myself for digging really deep on this, and creating awareness around so much that’s been running my life in the background my whole life. I’m acknowledging myself for everything I’ve brought to this process to be a more loving human, a better partner, and a better coach. I want to acknowledge this stand for my own divinity, and my commitment to making this a lifetime game.

At the time that I considered going into this experience, I was far along enough in my journey of self discovery that I knew I had a lot of old fears, old limiting beliefs, and ways of being that were getting in my way of dreaming bigger, in playing for the things I really wanted in my life. I had already realized that I had some untangling to do in order to start dreaming big again and to become the kind of person who could accomplish these big dreams. I had been putting my energy into many different projects, including my coaching business, real estate deals, and musical development, and hitting walls with regard to my capability. I was ready to up-level my way of relating to the world.

The thing which I’ve seen clearer than at any point in my life are the ways in which very old stories such as “not good enough,” “responsible,” and “get it right” have been running my life. I saw with great clarity the extent to which the vast majority of my thoughts and feelings that occurred throughout the day in some way tie back to these core lines of code. I saw the extent to which I was projecting my own fears and limitations onto the people in my life, and influencing them in a way that was a reflection of my own fear and severely limiting my own personal satisfaction and results in life.

The difference this experience has made is extraordinary. It’s helped bring me from acting from a state low-level of fight-or-flight activation 60% of my day down to less than 10% of the time. I am calmer, more joyful, more creative, and energetic than I have been since I was a kid. I’ve experienced transformation in my coaching business in terms of how I show up for my clients and the success rate of our outcomes. I’ve experienced transformation in my relationship with my partner as well. I’ve seriously reigned in my drive to try and “fix” her, and I’ve made huge strides in simply doing the work for myself, which in turn has brought her along for the ride without me trying to “get” her anywhere. It’s been healing for the both of us, and really deepened the trust and joy experience in the partnership. I’m also much more at ease with my family members, especially my mom. Instead of holding things against her for her own limitations and pain, I am much more gracious and accepting without getting caught up in my own anxiety. I’m also much more excited for the future. The extraordinary future of my dreams no longer feels like an unattainable pressure, it feels like an easy inevitability which I can create from a place of joy. My experience of work and my experience of play are merging into the same experience for me, which is absolutely extraordinary. In addition, I feel less pressure and scarcity around my time which is huge. I’m also experiencing much more productivity in my business partnerships.

Tangible and measurable outcomes! First, my revenue as a coach has gone up. I went from about $5000 per month when I started to $8000 per month in large part due to the work we did in this container. I’ve also saved over 8 hours per week in circular conversations I was otherwise having with my partner because we would get into conversations where I was trying to “fix” an experience she was having, and we went into an intellectual and emotional death spiral for 90 minutes a day. Fun, right? I also have started meditating almost 45 minutes per day, daily. My morning routine begins consistently at 7:15 every morning, which is the first time I’ve had a consistent wake-up time since I was working for an employer in person.

One thing that surfaced that I never saw coming was just how much more ease and patience I have in my relationship. I’ve been able to be with such greater emotional intensity, and maintain an inner sense of calm and joy in the face of challenges. I also have so much more faith in my own capability as a coach and a leader, along with my ability to realize my goals and dreams in life. The impossible feels more possible than it ever has been, and I’m excited to continue this journey.

~ Ian M

I know I have infinite potential. I know I can live a life of greatness where I have everything I want. I’m the only thing that is holding me back from that, however, and I haven’t been able to figure out what it is. I kept thinking I needed more – more systems, more habits, more discipline, more routines, more website-blocking apps, more accountability – but none of it worked. Eventually it got to a point where I realized that it’s all inside of me. There’s something inside of me creating resistance to doing the things I say I want to do, and I decided to go on a journey to figure out what it is. I now know that it’s these legacy ways of being that have been implanted in me, or that I implanted into myself, that are holding me back from being the person I want to be.

I’m still not there yet – while CYELE opened my eyes, I know it’s going to take some time before my new ways of being are able to replace my old ways of being, and even more time until I truly see the tangible results of it. But that is to be expected since I’ve been living like this for 27 years, and I do know that with enough time I will be able to turn these new truths into a core part of my being.

My life has been a mental battle where my inner self-critic was on an endless journey to find and solve every problem in my life. It’s so fucking exhausting. Imagine waking up every day anxious about the war you know you’re going to fight, playing defense for 16 hours and getting destroyed the whole time, criticizing yourself for not fighting hard enough (thus perpetuating the cycle), and going to bed knowing you’re gonna have to do it all over again tomorrow. That was my existence, and it’s no wonder why I was constantly avoidant for things I said I wanted to do. Now, as I gained the ability to stare at my inner critic directly and recognize it for what it is (a legacy way of being that no longer serves me, unless I want it to), I believe that this battle is going to subside and I will finally have a more peaceful existence.

I’ve been experimenting with somatic meditation and have been loving the results since it’s helping me unsurface vivid memories of my past that created my legacy ways of being. As I get closer and closer to the core of who I am, I’ll be able to implant my new ways of being into my body instead of just keeping them in my mind. I’m 100% convinced that doing this will allow me to achieve everything I want with relative ease rather than achieving only some of what I want with a massive struggle, which is how life has always been.

All in all, I’m so grateful that you allowed me to be a part of this experience. CYELE was one piece of a larger puzzle, and the most valuable thing it gave me was the knowledge that I can turn myself into whatever I want to be. I truly believe that as I continue to shift my ways of being, I’ll be able to literally create and recreate myself whenever I need to. In an ideal world, if I want to be a certain person at any given moment, I can become him instantly. If the next day I decide to become another person, I can flip the switch and do that. So to answer your question of what kind of transformation I saw, well, I haven’t seen it yet and that’s fine because I’m playing an infinite game. But my eyes are open to something I just couldn’t see before, and that is going to lead to me creating my own version of greatness that I know is inside of me.

That is the greatest gift you or anyone could have ever given me.

~ Sakul N

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